Vol. 40, n.º 3, 200



Homenaje al Dr. Francisco José Martínez Tello
Jefe del Departamento de Anatomía Patológica del Hospital Universitario
12 de octubre en su 70 cumpleaños


Ulm, 6th August 2007
Dear Mr. Martinez:

It makes me happy to know that, after so long and successful professional activity, you now come to your well-deserved retirement. On your 70th Birthday wish I you all the best!

When I think back of the common years spent in Bonn Pathological Institute (1965-1967), I still perfectly remind how you and Herwig Hamperl so many times with your substantiated and precise questions challenged me. Many other things I forgot, except your passion for a meticulous histopathology diagnosis.

Surely that passion continued for a lifetime. Therefore I would like to dedicate to you a copy of my last scientific work: "Berno Heymer, Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology of Graft-versus-Host disease, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002"

With my best regards,

Prof. Dr. med. Berno Heymer
Abteilung für Pathologie
Universität Ulm

Ulm, den 6.8.2007
Lieber Herr Martinez:

Es freut mich, daß Sie nach so langer und erfolgreicher beruflicher Tätigkeit nun Ihrem wohlverdienten Ruhestand entgegensehen. Zu Ihrem 70. Geburtstag wünsche ich Ihnen Glück und Gesundheit!

Wenn ich an die gemeinsamen Jahre im Pathologischen Institut in Bonn (1965-1967) zurückdenke, dann erinnere ich mich noch gut daran wie Sie Herwig Hamperl so manches Mal mit Ihren wohl begründeten , präzisen Fragen herausforderten. Vieles andere habe ich vergessen, nicht aber Ihre Leidenschaft für eine akribische histopathologische Diagnostik.

Ich bin sicher das hat ein Leben lang angehalten. Deshalb widme ich Ihnen ein Exemplar meiner letzten wissenschaftlichen Arbeit: "Berno Heymer, Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology of Graft-versus-Host disease, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002"

Mit herzlichen Grüßen

Prof. Dr. med. Berno Heymer
Abteilung für Pathologie
Universität Ulm

One of my first trips to Europe was to Madrid. It was in the 1980’s. Since then, I have been back many times, sometimes with my wife and a couple of times with Dr. Dahlin and his wife, Helen. I met Paco during all of these trips and he was my host the very first time I went. I also remember that I got sick during one of those trips and Paco and Javier and I went around looking for antibiotics on a Sunday. Paco and I became good friends over of the years and he has helped me by taking part in several slide seminars organized by the International Academy of Pathology.

During my long association with Paco, it was obvious to me that he was well-liked by everybody who knew him. I wish Paco all the best in his retirement.


K. Krishnan Unni, M.B., B.S.
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN